miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Green Awareness

When it comes about environmental care to think much but little practical.

So yes, I do not like spending a lot of water (especially when I wash the crockery), or spend muhc electric anergy, I like not having to take care appliances plugged occasionally.
There is no specific place that achieves environmental friendly teaching practices effectively. In school try to put places to recycle, in universities, in the malls, in some municipalities, and some families. But people generally lack discipline and perseverance to carry out a recycling plan.
Well, something like that is what happens to me, childbirth enthusiastically and then I forget.
I'm always encourage recycling, but not always find what, how, or where. When I'm with my sister at building things usually turn away for recycling because there are people who are dedicated to reuse cardboard, plastic, paper and so on. when I'm at home or at my boyfriend's house is a little more difficult, so I do not.
Shuttle I generally public transport, sometimes by car, and the rest I traverse on foot. Much of my day is spent on top of a bus.
I have not joined any eco-organization because I have many activities so far, maybe in the future they will.
I would like to join a group to help animals, not necessarily organic, and would like to recycle in my new house (I'm building a house).
I have not consciously done anything to reduce my carbon footprint so. But as I said earlier I do not like take a lot of energy.
In Santiago lack schooling and higher devices to aid or facilitate the care of the environment.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Human impact on nature

The man is more ground snatching nature, for invading their space explodes. Development projects are one of the main causes of the destruction of nature, what is destroying the habitat of many species, and this makes the animals are moved, or try to adapt and live with human structures, what a danger because many vehicles run over or electrocuted by power lines, among other accidents. Is in human hands to reduce such problems to avoid these multiple animal deaths

The most pernicious problems have been the extinction of animals and this extinction was caused by climate change and human proliferation. The idea is to look at animals that are not pets, as they are invaded.
As far as I know the Chilean fauna is endangered: the Colocolo, the black necked swan, the vicuña, the chinchilla, the puma, the woodpecker, the culpeo fox, the ñandu, the Chilean frog, the chungungo, the penguin, the whales, the guanaco, the huemul, and the condor. and the greatest enemies of these animals are humans
In my opinion, the main responsible for the extinction of many of these animals are the mining companies, would later date after road construction such as roads, because they cause much desertification. Is also important to mention industries with respect to the extinction of aquatic species, as pollute the waters.
major environmental groups, usually allegations of malpractice or state enterprises against nature. And also situations of cruelty to animals also make plans for the reproduction of species in extinction.