The new is entitled: “Sex
and sensibility: breaking through India's patriarchal bias”
And is about high rates
of child
marriage in
India. And one organisation is trying of
changing the status of girls in society, as the first question is whether
early marriage - it
is a problem of child rights?
Or a health issue? Concluding that it is all of those, but primarily gender discrimination.
And the low status of girls
and women, plus the idea that they are
an economic burden.
marriage in general is because girls
are considered a burden. They are not valued as children
and can´t decide about their lives,
such as when and with whom they want to marry and sexuality is seen as a disgrace. Therefore
is impossible for them to discuss
their rights to sexual and reproductive
problem is that marriage rates in India
are still high despite the laws that have been created several years ago,
another problem is that girls have a
poor education in
the country, especially in vulnerable sectors. But she hopes to do
many things for them.
has been done is that it has studied
the causes and impact of early
marriage, and the identification of
the institutions of civil society
can work to resolve the problem, as parents,
community leaders and children.

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